


The flower-cutting industry is a good source of livelihood among Cotabateños, especially those residing in Kidapawan City. In addition to ornamental and forest tree seedlings, flowers such as roses, anthuriums and orchids are abundantly grown locally providing a very promising and highly profitable source of livelihood and business in the area.

Kidapawan city also prides itself as the Second Fruit Basket of the Philippines, after Davao City. Exotic fruits like durianMangosteenlanzonesmarangsingkamasrambutanbanana, and the like are grown and harvested in abundance from the rolling highlands of Mt. Apo, passing through the wide plains of the rural communities of Kidapawan City, and down into the backyard of every household.

Crops abundantly grown in the area include abacarubbercornricecoconut, and vegetables.

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